Champions guide for LoL

Champions and their roles

LoL Champions guide

I'd be happy to write a guide for each champion in League of Legends. However, there are currently over 150 champions in the game, and providing a comprehensive guide for each one would be quite extensive. I can provide you a general idea of what to expect from each role and what are some of the most played/popular champions in each role.

  1. Top Lane: Champions in this role are typically tanky melee champions that are meant to be played in the top lane. They are often played as the team's main tank and are responsible for initiating fights and absorbing enemy damage. They usually have a mix of damage and tankiness, also have crowd control abilities to engage or disengage in fights. Some popular top laners include:
    • Maokai: A tanky champion that excels at engaging and initiating fights with his crowd control abilities
    • Malphite: A tanky champion that excels at initiating fights and dealing AOE damage
    • Garen: A champion with high sustain and damage who excels at fighting in the top lane
    • Darius: A melee champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the top lane
    • Sett: A melee champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the top lane
    • Jax: A melee champion with high mobility and strong dueling potential
    • Renekton: A melee champion with high damage and sustain who excels at fighting in the top lane.
    • Nasus: A melee champion with strong late-game potential who excels at farming and fighting in the top lane.
    • Yorick: A melee champion with high sustain and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the top lane
    • Jayce: A melee champion who can change his weapon and excels at poking and fighting in the top lane
    • Volibear: A melee champion with high sustain and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the top lane
    • Ornn: A melee champion with high sustain and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the top lane
  2. Jungle: Champions in this role typically have high mobility and good clear speeds, allowing them to quickly clear out the jungle camps and gank other lanes. They also can provide crowd control, sustain and help in team fights. Popular junglers include:
    • Nidalee: A champion with high mobility and clear speed who excels at ganking and poking enemies
    • Olaf: A melee champion with high damage and sustain who excels at fighting in the jungle
    • Graves: A ranged champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the jungle
    • Skarner: A melee champion with high mobility and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the jungle
    • Rek'Sai: A melee champion with high mobility, sustain and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the jungle
    • Elise: A versatile champion with high mobility, sustain, and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the jungle.
    • Amumu: A tanky champion with crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
    • Sejuani: A tanky champion with crowd control and sustain abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
    • Shaco: An assassin champion with high mobility, stealth and crowd control abilities who excels at ganking and taking down objectives
    • Kindred: A ranged champion with high mobility, sustain and strong late-game potential who excels at fighting in the jungle.
    • Gragas: A tanky champion with crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
    • Rammus: A tanky champion with crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights and also can take down objectives quickly
    • Lee Sin: A melee champion with high mobility, damage and crowd control abilities who excels at ganking and fighting in the jungle
    • Kha'Zix: A melee assassin champion with high mobility, damage and strong jungle clear speed.
    • Kindred: A ranged champion with high mobility, sustain and strong late-game potential who excels at fighting in the jungle
    • Vi: A melee champion with high mobility and crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
  3. Mid Lane: Champions in this role are typically mages or assassins that deal high damage with their abilities. They are often played as the team's main source of damage and have high kill potential. They have powerful abilities that can be used to control and take down enemies from a distance. Popular mid laners include:
    • LeBlanc: A high damage assassin with a good kit of abilities that can control the battlefield.
    • Ahri: A versatile mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control.
    • Fizz: A melee assassin who excels at fighting in close-range.
    • Zoe: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control.
    • Orianna: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control, also can control the battlefield with her ultimate.
    • Azir: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control.
    • Ziggs: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control
    • Xerath: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control
    • Ryze: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control, also has high sustain.
    • Syndra: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control
    • Cassiopeia: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control
    • Diana: A mage who excels at poking and fighting in close-range
    • Veigar: A mage who excels at poking and providing crowd control, also has strong late-game potential
  4. Bottom/ADC (Marksman): ADCs are ranged champions that deal high damage with their basic attacks and tend to scale well into the late game. They often rely on their auto-attacks to deal damage, and their abilities are typically used to increase their damage or to reposition themselves in fights. They are usually paired with a support in the bot lane, who will protect them and give them chances to farm and deal damage. Popular ADCs include:
    • Caitlyn: A high damage ranged champion with strong poking abilities.
    • Jhin: A late-game hypercarry, who has powerful abilities and critical strike mechanics.
    • Ashe: A versatile ranged champion with a good kit of abilities and strong late game potential.
    • Lucian: A mobile and aggressive ranged champion who excels in close-range fights.
    • Varus: A ranged champion who can deal high amount of AOE damage.
    • Tristana: A ranged champion who has strong late game potential, high mobility and a good kit of abilities.
    • Miss Fortune: A ranged champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Varus: A ranged champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Jinx: A ranged champion with high damage and crowd control abilities who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Kalista: A ranged champion with high damage, mobility and strong late-game potential who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Draven: A ranged champion with high damage and strong dueling potential who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Vayne: A ranged champion with high damage and mobility who excels at fighting in the bottom lane
    • Kai'Sa: A ranged champion with high damage output and mobility that excels in the bottom lane, her abilities give her multiple ways to engage and escape fights and a strong late game scaling.
  5. Support: Supports are champions who focus on utility, crowd control, and protection for the ADC. They typically have abilities that can heal, shield, or provide vision, and they are responsible for setting up kills for the ADC and keeping them safe. They also are responsible for protecting the ADC and for controlling vision in the map. Popular supports include:
    • Soraka: A support champion who excels at keeping her team alive with her healing abilities.
    • Janna: A support champion who excels at keeping her team safe and can control the battlefield with her crowd control abilities.
    • Nami: A support champion with a good kit of abilities that can heal, shield and provide mobility to her team.
    • Alistar: A tank support champion who excels at initiating fights and providing crowd control.
    • Braum: A tank support champion who excels at protecting his allies and providing crowd control.
    • Lulu: A support champion who provides a good amount of utility, her abilities can heal, shield and provide movement speed to her team.
    • Taric: A support champion who excels in providing protection and healing for his team.
    • Leona: A tanky champion with crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
    • Thresh: A support champion with crowd control abilities who excels at protecting and setting up kills for his allies
    • Nautilus: A tanky champion with crowd control abilities who excels at engaging and initiating fights
    • Bard: A support champion with crowd control abilities who excels at protecting and setting up kills for his allies
    • Rakan: A support champion with high mobility and crowd control abilities who excels at protecting and setting up kills for his allies