Valorant Drafting guide

How to draft good team compositions

Pick/Draft Valorant agents guide

Drafting a good team composition in Valorant is crucial to achieving victory in a match. Here are some key factors to consider when drafting your team:


Each player on your team should have a specific role that they excel at, such as entry fragger, support, or anchor. A well-rounded team should have a mix of roles that can cover all aspects of the game, such as aggression, utility, and defense.

Agent diversity

Each agent in Valorant has their own unique abilities and playstyles. It's important to have a diverse selection of agents on your team so that you can adapt to different situations and strategies. For example, having a mix of agents with different types of utility (such as smoke, flash, and wall) can give you a variety of options for controlling the battlefield.

Map control

Different agents excel at different aspects of map control. For example, some agents excel at pushing through chokepoints, while others excel at holding angles. Make sure to draft a team that can effectively control the map, whether that means pushing through chokepoints or holding angles.


Good communication is key to success in Valorant. Make sure to communicate before drafting a team to be efficient in-game.


A good team composition should also be flexible. This means that it should be able to adapt to different playstyles and strategies, and should be able to switch up its approach when necessary.

Some additional tips:

  • Consider the map you're playing on and pick agents that can excel on that specific map.
  • Try to have at least one agent that can provide good intel, like Cypher, Breach or Sova
  • Have a balance of aggressive and passive players
  • Consider the current meta and the agents that are being played the most.
  • Make sure to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of each player on your team and draft a composition that allows them to play to their strengths and cover their weaknesses.


It is also important to practice and play with your team, so that you can learn how to work together effectively. Remember that the key to drafting a good team composition is finding a balance between roles, agents, map control, communication, and flexibility.